Brooke’s Learning Corner
Weekly Rate/within 10 miles from learing center $47.00
Weekly Rate/Before & After School Learners $85.00(days out of school is $15.00 daily charge) per child
Weekly Rate Outside the 10 miles Schoo Zone area (an extra $2.00 a mile) before & after
Note: In the Houston area a transportation fee is $4.00 a mile
Example: If your child school is 18 miles away from the child care center, you will be charged for the 8 miles coming & going both or the one way. 16 miles x 5 days a week
Brooke’s Learning Center
8431 Bigwood St.
Houston, TX 77078
Business/Cell: 713-417-3052 / 713-631-2853
Ms. Talia Bailey